Currently: April 2021

Happy Wednesday, friends! Today, I am joining Anne from In Residence for her monthly Currently post. The first Wednesday of the month she provides a one word prompt to discuss and share. These are so fun to write up and to read. Currently Arranging: Our new rug! We had been waiting on one we ordered back in December that was a Magnolia rug but after the date of arrival getting pushed back several times we just decided to get something in stock. We ordered both rugs from the furniture store we got our sectional. We are loving our new rug! Currently Craving: Ahhhh, without a doubt my mom’s home cooking. Nuff said!! Currently Discussing: We have definitely been going round and round with the “what if’s” about my possible job opportunities. It’s a little exciting and scary to think about having to make a decision. Lots of praying going on too! Currently Enjoying: We got the pics back from the “personality photo”...