Friday Favorites: 8/28/20

 Happy Friday!  Friday just always brings a smile to my face! It just feels so good.   I'm so excited to share some favorites from the week. 

 ONE.  My new leopard mask.  I sort of giggled  when B had this as one of my bday gifts but it is surprisingly...amazing!  It fits perfectly around the nose, adjustable ear straps, easy to breathe, and B said it was cheap.  He found it at Tom Thumb. 

TWO. These pens were a gift from a sweet friend. I’m always looking for a good pen and I was impressed.   I know what you’re thinking, pens? Just trust me and did I mention it has an eraser (which is decent). 


THREE. I was in need of a planner so I hopped on Amazon and found this one.  There were lots of cute designs and the price was even better.  When it arrived, I was not expecting the weekly planner too.  I hope to use this section for jotting down blogging info to help me get organized.   

 FOUR.  Chick-fil-A + chocolate chip cookies = MELT IN YOUR MOUTH! If you haven't tried one then you need to run now.  I promise, you will not be disappointed. 

FIVE. These cute graphic tees are new and were a favorite this week.  

If you’ve ever worked in a school then you know about team shirts.  They are fun, cute, might give you a jeans day, and they make you smile. So, I decided that I needed a team shirt for my new role as SAHM so the Mommin’ tee is my team shirt!  I plan to wear it every Wednesday while I'm hanging with my littles.

I must add that another major favorite is NO MORE bottles!!!! D turned 1 on Sunday and we quit those things cold turkey.  I feel like I was blessed with little boys who love table food which might help with that big transition.  I’m just happy to not have to wash any more bottles by hand. Hallelujah!!! 

I hope you have a great weekend! 



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