Friday Favorites: 9/18/2020

Hello Friends!!  I have a random assortment for Friday Favorites with Andrea and Erika.


Since the temps seem to be dropping and are no longer in triple digits, B thought it would be great to camp with C last Saturday in the backyard.  D and I (the wiser ones) decided to stay in the house.  Well, it was great and all but it was still HOT. My little campers only lasted an hour and 22 minutes.  HA!!! I know this will not be the last time. I just love that B tries to create these memories for the boys.  Before they went out, C made a little trail mix for his camping adventure.  It was simple just pretzels, chocolate chips, and marshmallows but he loved helping measure things and putting them in his baggie.  

TWO: Okay, the next 2 faves are food items but we are just loving them so I thought you might too.  First up, chocolate Lucky Charms!  We had gotten the original for C and he seemed to like it. I happened to be on the Target app looking for the Lucky Charm marshmallows (still looking) when C spotted the chocolate Lucky Charms. I prefer chocolate cereal so we both squealed with excitement and I added a box to my Target pick up.  This cereal is so yummy and I usually just have a little handful as a snack or when I am craving chocolate.  Seriously, much better than the original!

THREE: Costco fave alert!!! I don't know if you are like me when I go into places like Costco but I get overwhelmed because there is so much. I don't know what to grab or I don't know what is good.  We have been shopping there a little more and these buttery croissants are delicious.  If you shop at Costco, definitely add them to your cart! 

FOUR: Fall decor!  I love decorating for fall and it was fun sharing on the link up with Emily and Sarah. You can check mine out HERE and I can't wait to share my fall fashion. 

I’ve been a blog reader for years  and I am definitely a newbie at this blogging thing but it has been so fun having this for myself. Being a SAHM, has its hard days and this little space has been good for my heart, mind, and soul. 

I appreciate you stopping by and reading.   Have a great weekend!



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