Friday Favorites: 10/30/2020

AHHHHH, one more sleep until Halloween!  Today, I am joining Andrea and Erika for their Friday Favorites link up! 

ONE:  Checking another item off our fall bucket a small business. A local baker had a pop up shop and I loved the idea of supporting this business woman. These cookies were definitely a favorite this week!   I bought some extras for tomorrow and to possibly give to a dear friend/neighbor.  

TWO: These mess free markers are some of my favorites to pull out when I’m looking for an activity to keep the boys entertained on a rainy day. The best part is not having to worry about a mess on the table, wall, or hands. I know we are all thinking about Christmas presents so this would be a good one. I have gifted these before with other small gifts to make a big one! 

THREE: Thank you to the Hallmark Channel and their Christmas movies!  I know you’ve seen this and probably have this saved but doesn’t it just make you a little giddy looking at this list.  

I am ready to be swept away where a daughter who happens to be a baker has to go back home to help save the family’s Christmas tree farm. Her old boyfriend ends up helping her sell trees and they bake cookies together for the night of the tree lighting ceremony. YAAASSS, I am here for it! I told B he can bring our tree and decorations from storage anytime. I am ready, FA LA LA LA LA! 🎅🏽🎄

FOUR: Okay, so something that has been on my heart is to be more reflective this Thanksgiving. I decided to post something every Thursday for the month of November and I am calling it, “Thankful Thursday.”  I have never had a gratitude journal or even participated in the month long thankful posts you see on FB. I thought by doing this it would help me appreciate the things in my life a little more. In the past, I have been busy with work and just going, going, going that I never really took the time to do this.  I'm super excited and it is a FAVORITE!  How do you show gratitude? Do you do anything special with your family? 

Don’t forget! Turn back your clocks on Saturday night! 

Am I the only one that feels this? 

Happy Halloween Eve! Have fun and be safe, friends! 



  1. Those cookies are really cute. About those masks, they didn't have many in the store. The 1s I bought were the only package there. I went back a week later & they had another set, but only 1 of those too.


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