October & November Goals

HEY, HEY!!!  It's a new month which means checking in on my October goals and making new ones.  I learned a lot about setting reasonable and achievable goals for myself.  I don’t want to say I failed but I really only accomplished 1 out of 4. I am going to give myself some grace since it was my first time to attempt this. 

Let’s review!


#1: My nighttime is very predictable because with little ones a full nights sleep is not promised. C has been waking up EVERY night for several weeks yelling for me. I think he gets a little scared and will settle down once I come in. So, I am tweaking this goal since I am up at random hours most of the time. 

#2:  I am drinking 8oz as soon as I get up.  I’ve definitely improved but need to continue for consistency and I want to increase my water intake too.

#3: UGH, working out!  What was I thinking? I am tweaking because I pretty much failed on this one.  I am keeping it but changing it so it will be achievable. I realized it doesn’t have to be a BIG goal. I can start small. 😀 

#4: I have to be honest. I sort of lost interest when I found out the part time position I was hoping for was no longer available. Waaaahhhhhhh! I did find my old resume from 2012 so I am going to update it.  I am putting this goal on hold. 

Now for my new and improved goals for this month!

I am planning to post these on my bathroom mirror so I can see them daily.  It will also be nice to check them off my list. Keep your fingers crossed that I achieve more than 1 goal next time we check in! 

Have a wonderful Tuesday  Wednesday! 



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