Thankful Thursday: 11/19/2020

 It’s time for another Thankful Thursday!  

I am a little late posting but I knew who I wanted to highlight this week. I am so thankful for my mom!!

 She is “my person” and the heartbeat of our family. When I was younger, I never realized how much she gave up so I could have. She supported my interest in dance, cheerleading, band, and countless other things.  She guided, encouraged, and pushed me to help me be who I am today. 

Even now, I call her crying with a newborn and she tells me I can do it. I call her crying with a 3 and 1 year old and she talks me through it.  When we need her, SHE is the only one who drops everything to come and help. 

Now the boys are getting to feel that love from Mama R.  We are all so lucky to have her! 

Thank you for everything, Mama! 



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