Thankful Thursday: 11/5/2020

It’s my first Thankful Thursday! I am so excited to share and take the time to be grateful for the big and little things this month.  I am going to leave the obvious hubby, kids, family, and health out of the mix until later. 

Today, I am grateful for friends! I tend to have a smaller circle of friends as I get older.  I have friends from high school that I may not see everyday but we will text each other and pick up where we left off.  I have old co-workers and a sweet neighbor that are near and dear to me. Then I have a group of Keno girls that we share recipes, laughs, trials of motherhood, and that have been there for me during my pregnancies. They each teach me something and make me strive to be a better person.

I am also thankful for the neighbors that made Halloween even better than I could have imagined.  I was a little hesitant to go trick or treating with the boys but B wanted to go.  Our neighborhood really provided LOTS of social distancing opportunities.  We loaded up Robin (D) in the wagon and Flash (C) was ready.

Many of the homes set up tables with bags of candies, some had candy in the yard, and the really creative ones had candy chutes.  We happened to walk around with another family (6ft apart) and it was fun just to see the excitement of the boys. We came back home and my heart was just exploding with gratitude for all those that put the effort into making it a great Halloween.  I kinda enjoyed the alternative trick or treating ideas and might implement them next year at our house!

I hope you are finding ways to be thankful this month. I  will be back tomorrow with my Friday Favorites.



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