Friday Favorites: 12/11/2020

We made it to Friday! Friends, I don't know about you but my week felt ROUGH.  It was a combo of one kiddo teething, several missed naps, and late night wake ups so I am ready for a little R&R this weekend.  I think I can handle a little Christmas fun sprinkled in but not too much! 

Like I do every Friday, I am linking up with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites! 

ONE: We were able to enjoy the beautiful weather this week and had fun outside with this little roll of coloring pages from Target. Best $3 dollars spent!  

TWO: I am loving mercury Christmas trees!


Pottery Barn?!?! 

No, Target! I first spotted them online and when I went to return that puny wreath from last week, I stumbled upon one in the store. It is gorgeous and makes my heart happy!   

THREE: Y’all, when I got home with that beautiful twinkling tree  I knew I needed more.  I quickly added a medium one and a green tree 😬 

The price was right and drive up made it easy.  Now, I have 3 in the kitchen but they are perfect in adding a little twinkle and magic.  

FOUR: This cute little reindeer from Wal-Mart came home with me.  It has a vintage feel which I love. 

FIVE: Who knew paper chains were popular for home decor? B is refusing to bring down our 10+ old garland and fake poinsettias from the attic. He keeps saying there are probably wasps in them. I don’t want to grab them either so I am just having fun decorating with crafts made by me and C. 

 I might try and grab a few things from Walmart but I want to buy things I love and not just to fill up space which is what I typically do. I’ll get to Hobby Lobby and Kirkland’s next year for more appropriate decorations.

SIX: Well, B may be refusing to get my decorations  from the attic but he did add Christmas lights on the boy’s playhouse outside.  Love, love, love how it turned out!!! 

SEVEN: This last one is just a PSA!  A tradition that I did even before kids was watching all the Charlie Brown holiday shows. I am a little irritated that ABC has changed things and is no longer showing them. Thankfully, PBS will be airing A Charlie Brown Christmas this Sunday. Don’t miss it and look at your TV guide for times. 

And, I must share what made me smile and laugh on FB this week! 

 Thanks for stopping by and reading. Have a wonderful weekend! 

**I just realized I had comments from some of you that I never even knew existed.  I am so sorry! ** 



  1. Thanks for the reminder about Charlie Brown---one of our holiday favorites.

  2. I love the homemade chain! I've also made garland by making pompoms out of yarn. The lights on the playhouse make me smile! Love it. :)

    1. Thank you for stopping by! I made another chain and love the idea of making pompom ones. I will have to see if I can do it.

  3. The mercury Christmas trees are beautiful! I would love one of those in my room!! The homemade decorations are just so sweet! Have the best day!!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Abby! Yes to getting one in your would add just enough sparkle and twinkle!


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