
This was supposed to get done for Thanksgiving Day but I sort of got distracted. B was off Thursday and Friday so I wanted to fully enjoy his time off and enjoy our little family. Lesson learned- write ahead of time!! 

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones! Ours was very low key with just the 4 of us.  I enjoyed less stress but I missed our extended family.  

I still want to share my final thankful post. First, I am so grateful to be a mommy.  The journey getting here was not easy for us and I am always amazed that there are 2 little boys I get to love. I always cry on their birthdays and on Thanksgiving because I am just so thankful and feel so blessed. 

I am also thankful for B! He provides the fun, adventures,  is a great dad, and works so hard for our family.  Life with him is easy, exciting, and when we do encounter hard times we always lean and work together. I am so lucky to have him in my life! He goes along with my hair brained ideas, always changing decor, inability to cook, my love for Starbucks and clothes.  

Finally, I am thankful for YOU that read my posts. I didn’t tell family or friends about it (still haven’t). This blog was for me ❤️  I wanted to document my life, share things that I love, and just follow the desire I felt to start a blog. Thank You to those that visit my blog because to have 3, 50, or even 138 people reading just surprises me and makes me smile.  



  1. I got off track with a few of my blogging posts over Thanksgiving too. I almost always try to have them scheduled to post ahead of time but somehow just didn't get to that this year. What a wonderful list of things to be thankful for.


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