Friday Favorites: 1/22/21

Ahhhhhh, it's my favorite day of the week! Anyone else feel like January is flying by?! Kinda loving it because spring is coming. 

I am joining Erika and Andrea for their fabulous link up: 

ONE:   We went on a little trip to the Tyler Zoo on Sunday.  It is a smaller zoo than Dallas or Ft. Worth but I tend to enjoy them even more because it is more manageable with the boys. We saw some great animals! 

This longhorn was beautiful! 

The lion was very active and kept roaring. He was so loud and could be heard all over the zoo. 

These guys scared me because I thought the cage was empty until I spotted them in the corner.  

The only downfall for me was that there were way too many people not wearing masks for my comfort level.  We have visited 2 other smaller zoos in the past few months and generally most people will wear a mask even though we are outdoors. We kept our distance from people, avoided the enclosed areas, and avoided the animals that were crowded. It was a fun zoo and the boys enjoyed it! 

TWO: We stayed overnight at this neat little place B found.  He always finds places off the beaten path. It was someone’s guest house on their private property.  The homeowners were there which made it sort of weird but we settled into our house and didn’t really interact with them.  I think the boys favorite part was the swing set.  We played Sunday evening and then Monday morning before we left. 

They raise deer on their property so it was neat to see them up close and personal.

B’s favorite was the deer!  

My favorite was seeing the sun streaming through the trees in the morning. 

THREE: I found this book at the most random place, Nebraska Furniture Mart. 

The boys love it! It is great to work on fine motor skills since it is strengthening those little fingers as you pop the little dot. It’s a Melissa & Doug product which are some of my favorites. 

FOUR: Obsessed with my new jewelry box!  It is similar to something recommended by Cassie from Hi Sugarplum.  I just picked a little less expensive one. 😉

But, I don’t know if it will hold all my earrings. I might have to find a bigger one in a few months but then I can use this one for studs or bracelets.  

FIVE: If you remember, my friend sent me the greatest little gifts for Christmas so I am working on a few little goodies to send her for Vday.  I bought these fun stickers that I will be sending. 

She works in education and as we all know it has been a tough year.  I love positive words so I hope that these stickers will make her smile and brighten her days ahead. 

SIX: My last favorite was the inauguration of Biden and Kamala Harris!  Regardless of political affiliation, this was historical so I wanted to watch.  I didn’t get to watch as much as I would have liked because the boys could only tolerate so much.

Seeing a woman sworn in as Vice President of the United States was just monumental! As a woman, I was filled with so much joy, pride, excitement, and hope for the future of women. THIS is huge for little girls, young teens, career women, SAHM, and grandmas all across the United States. We can do anything!!! You guys, that is powerful and I will celebrate it.

Of course, everyone is talking about the young laureate poet, Amanda Gorman.  I didn’t get to watch it live so I read her poem and then watched a replay. Wow!!! She is so amazing and inspiring.  If you missed it, read her poem “The Hill We Climb.” Her story fascinated me since my background is speech language pathology and she has stated that she overcame a speech impairment and auditory processing disorder. 

Okay, the Bernie memes are KILLING ME!  There are so many floating around.  Find some today and enjoy a good laugh! 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. I love going to the zoo! I have not gone in what seems like forever! The lion at our zoo has never roared while I was there! That must have been so cool!! I love those memes, the tea one made me laugh out loud!! When Kamala was inaugurated I cried happy tears!I was so overjoyed, and my heart was just so happy to see a woman taking the oath to serve our nation as Vice President! Hope you have a great day!

    1. It was insane to hear the lion! Scary but neat. And it was my first time to really hear one roar. I love that you were able to watch the inauguration and how much it moved can tell your kiddos one day 😉 enjoy your weekend, Abby!!

  2. I found the inauguration super inspiring!! The zoo looks so fun!! I miss going out and doing things like that :(

    1. It was so inspiring! I know it’s hard to not get out as much...but maybe that can be on your family bucket list once things are safer in your area. Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh I just love trips to the zoo. My younger boys and I are always on the lookout for a new zoo to check out. We just love getting to see new animals in person

    1. We have been to 3 different zoos in the last 2 months. It is our favorite outing, for sure. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. That jewelry box is so pretty. I love how simple, but elegant it is. The Bernie memes are sooo funny. I feel like we need to go to the zoo again soon. It has been too long.

    1. The zoo has been our adventures during this time. The jewelry box is really pretty and glad I got it. Thinking of you today!

  5. The trip to the zoo sounds fun! The memes are hilarious!

    1. I’ve been laughing all weekend with the Bernie memes! Thanks for reading!


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