Monthly Musings: January 2021

Hey everyone! This is my first Monthly Musings ever but it won’t be my last.  I am so excited to join Patty and Holly for this link up. 

The last Thursday of the month, we get to answer some questions about a topic. I love reading and learning a little more about all those that link up. I hope you’ll enjoy reading my answers too.  

 This month we are answering these questions: 

How do you show love? What is your love language? 

I think the best way to show someone love is telling them and showing them with my actions.

For the boys, lots of hugs and kisses, telling them I am proud of them, and working really hard to show more patience and less yelling. 

For B, telling him I love him, thanking him for helping out (washing dishes, vaccuming, and helping without being asked, etc).  I want him to know he is valued and I see him.   I try to not annoy him and be a better listener. 

With my family, I always say "I love you" before ending a phone call or when we leave from a visit.

I need to research my love language because I have always wondered! 

Do you have any fun Valentine’s traditions? 

Decorate the house

Valentine shirts for the boys

I wear all the red, pink, and hearts that I can handle

Make Valentine treat bags for friends 

The boys get a little Valentine bag with a few things (toy, candy, book, etc) and a Valentine balloon

B doesn’t believe it is a real holiday, what?!?! But he does buy me flowers or chocolates so he knows it is important to me. 

Favorite Valentine’s memory? 

Favorite memory has to be from 2019 when we shared with family that we were expecting baby #2!  

The funniest memory has to be when B and I were first married and I asked him for the 50 piece nugget combo that McDonald’s was selling. Yes, I did!! Well, he brought it home and that Valentine’s Day we stuffed ourselves with nuggets. Y’all they had to put them in 2 Happy Meal boxes...we still laugh about it to this day!!!  

Favorite Valentine’s treat? 

Chocolate covered strawberries! It’s really all I want. 

Do you wear Valentine’s day fashions?


Valentine’s, like, or hard pass?

Love it! There is no pressure and the day really is about showing love. A big or small gift, it doesn’t matter bc you are making someone feel special and loved. 

What do you think is the most romantic song?

Interesting question, I’m sure there are better but for me “At Last” by Etta James. It just gets me every time. 

Dine out, take out, or cook in this Valentine’s Day?

I am hoping for take out.  It is easier and less clean up :)

Pink or red?

Pink is my favorite color but for the month of February I love both.

Flowers or chocolate? 


Let me know how you feel about Vday in the comments. Come back tomorrow for Friday Favorites! 



  1. I want some chocolate covered strawberries right now too! I loved reading your favorite memory, that sounds so sweet!

    1. Chocolate covered strawberries are the best! It was fun sharing with family:)

  2. I love both your memories! They are really good!!!

  3. Oooh!!! I love chocolate covered strawberries!! I definitely agree with you...take out is the best!! Your favorite memory is so sweet.

    1. You can’t go wrong with chocolate covered strawberries and take out. Sounds like a great Vday to me :) Thanks Ella, it was fun sharing that surprise with family!

  4. I couldn’t agree more with most of what you said - the 50 nugget - OMG!

    1. I still remember the happy meals stuffed with nuggets!! But it was so perfect!

  5. Thank you for joining us for Monthly Musings! That 50 piece nugget sounds so Good!

  6. Yes! Chocolate Covered Strawberries are the perfect Valentine treat! Thanks for linking up :)

  7. That is such a sweet Valentine's Day memories. 50 nuggets. I didn't know they did that before. I love Valentine's Day too. Yes to Chocolate Covered Strawberries. I love those!


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