Friday Favorites: 2/5/21

Hey, sweet friends!

I hope you had a wonderful first week of February.  For some reason, this week felt hard but I am not going to let it get me down.  I plan on making next week even better and I am getting pumped up for Valentine’s Day! 

I love joining Erika and Andrea for their weekly link up:

Here are my favorites from the week!  Hope you enjoy😊 

ONE: This is my ultimate favorite! 

It's a dupe but it’s exactly what I need right now. I am using mine as a diaper bag (it has backpack straps and a shoulder strap). Currently, it’s filled with diapers, snacks, water cups, and I can throw it on the ground at the park without cringing or trying to protect it. I got mine from Apple Blvd. There is also a white one that I want to buy but I need it to go on sale. 

TWO: I have a new phone cover and handle! My old one was so gross. I don’t know why I waited so long to upgrade. 

THREE: I had to document that I wore jeans last week.  It's been awhile so I wanted to celebrate it. I plan on  making Friday my "jeans day."  

FOUR: Just adding these beauties to my N&S collection. I know....I should quit but I can't because I am obsessed. How cute is that BFF cuff?!

FIVE: I was so excited about this sweater from Apple Blvd.  It was on sale for $20 and I couldn’t pass it up.  It is going to be perfect for spring. 

 Here is what kept me laughing this week! 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  I want to relax a little and sleep in. 



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