Not Just a Mom: Healthy Habits & Staying Motivated

Happy Monday!  

I am joining a great group of bloggers that host this fun link up every 2nd Monday of the month. 

This month we are discussing healthy habits and staying motivated. I am just going to be very honest and let you know that I am currently working on improving this area of my life. 

I think the best healthy habit is exercise.  Before kiddos and when they went to daycare, my number one workout was barre classes.  I loved it and did it for several years.  I’ve also done step classes, BodyPump, and Zumba.  Since having kiddos I have not worked out consistently for a couple of years. 

 I am going to use this post to sort of evaluate where I am and where I need to go next. Okay, let’s break it down! 

Current healthy habits

Taking daily vitamins

Trying to increase daily water intake

Some daily movement- walk with kids and sometimes I’ll run in the backyard when we play outside

Areas to improve

Eating healthier

Start an exercise program

Exercise consistently 

Sleep 8 hours

Staying motivated has been difficult since I can not get into a groove. I haven’t found the best time to exercise at home. I love a group class and get motivated by others, the instructor, and being able to focus on myself for that dedicated time without interruptions. 

Even though I do better with a group class, I am going to have to change and be flexible.  After reading Shay’s review on the Peloton app, I plan to sign up.  Right now you get a trial peiod for free so there is nothing to lose. 

If I can find something I love then I know I can be consistent.  My goal is to be healthy and strong. 

Now I am off to read and get some tips from the other bloggers.  Come back on Wednesday for Let’s Look! 

Also linking up with: 



  1. I'm having a hard time without having group exercise classes right now! Thanks for linking up with us!

  2. I am trying to get 8 hours of sleep too and drink more water. Some days it is easier and other days I am really struggling.

    1. I feel exactly the same way!!! Some days are a struggle and I just keep saying it is a season...hoping it gets better in the spring/summer.

  3. I find getting enough sleep to be tough! I want to stay up late because it's time without the kids, but then I'm up early to work or exercise. Hard to find a good balance.

  4. I have never been a group exercise person at all! I did enjoy Curves when I joined years ago but tried to go at odd times when it was mostly empty. I did really like that and miss the easy workout.

    1. Group classes can be so fun! I worry about home workouts bc I would stop for a break snd then just watch the video instead of doing.

  5. Sleep and water... two cornerstones!!! Awesome that you get the kiddos to move as well.

    1. Yes, the neighbors might think I am crazy for taking a few laps around my yard. But I gotta do something!

  6. That meme is so funny! I'm the queen of pinning on Pinterest. haha I just started taking a multi-vitamin again! That had fallen off my radar, but I'm glad to incorporate vitamins into my health and wellness again. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Yes to vitamins!!! I really believe they can help with overall well-being. And well, Pinterest is filled with so much and then I never do anything. HA!

  7. It has been so hard lately with the gyms shut down and the group exercise classes cancelled! I am looking forward to the days of gym childcare opening back up!! Thanks for linking up with us!


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