Hello Monday: Currently

Ahhhhhh, friends! Last week was a doozy. I love you TX but not your crazy weather. 



I thought today I would just share a few things currently on my mind or currently going on in our life. It will be random but that’s how it goes! 

#1- As you know, TX got hit with snowstorms and very frigid temps last week. At times, we were even colder than Alaska.  

We heard from our family and friends and some were dealing with the rolling outages, no power for hours which went into days, and no water. 

We were very lucky because our only issue was spotty cable/ internet. It was hard knowing that others were suffering while we were okay. However, we did what was encouraged and that was to conserve energy and water. We unplugged appliances, lowered our heat, and used only the microwave or air fryer to cook meals. 

We did get to enjoy the snow, had a snowball fight and made snow angels. 

We had to improvise when it came to our snow gear.  We layered socks for mittens and we had these boots that were passed on to us that may have been a couple sizes too big. 

B would go exploring each morning and on this day the neighborhood pond froze over.  Just so rare to see and then by Sunday it had melted.

Okay, moving on! 

#2- Was anyone else just over the moon when Harry and Meghan announced baby #2?! I just love their journey and I am rooting for them.  This is a complete guess but if February was the 3 month mark then the baby may arrive in August.  So excited and hoping it is a girl!

#3- Speaking of babies, my little D will be 18 months tomorrow.  I really think this age is my favorite. He currently loves everything Peppa!  He carries her around everywhere.

He is saying and imitating words but my favorite has to be “Grinch.” In December, I must have said that word a lot because that is one that stuck with him.  He will request to watch The Grinch all the time.😝

That’s it friends, I hope you have a wonderful start to the week. Come back on Wednesday for What’s Up, Wednesday!

Linking up with The Other Side of the Road, My Glittery Heart, and The Sirois Family for:



  1. Glad to hear that everything went okay for you and your family!!

    1. Glad to hear you made out Ok with the crazy weather. Though I am super jealous of your beautiful temps today as we get yet more ice and snow (but that's expected of winter in New England!).

    2. Thanks Joanne! Winter last week and spring this week. It’s crazy!

  2. Glad to hear you guys were ok. What do you use to blur out your kids photos? I need to do that more.

    1. I use Face Blur+ and it is easy to use. I probably worry a little too much but you just never know. ☺️

  3. I'm glad that you family was ok. As someone who lives in Michigan and is used to cold, I couldn't imagine what it was like in areas that just weren't equipped for cold temps.

    1. I think that is the scariest that so many were dealing with frigid temps and nothing could be done. Thankful it only lasted a week and now we can recover.

  4. Glad you were ok. Love your photos.

  5. Glad that you and your family are good! Scary times for sure- one more day closer to Spring!


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