3 on Thursday

Just keeping it simple today with 3 things on my mind! 

#1-  I love most holidays! You name it and I will decorate, probably be wearing a festive shirt, and make a big deal about it. But, one of the holidays that gets neglected in our house is St. Patrick’s Day.  I have no idea why.  In the past, I just oblige and wear green. Boring! I don’t think I am going to go crazy with decor and all that but I might add some kind of green food/ fun dessert to our day. We did grab a Shamrock shake from McDonald’s but we didn’t love it.  Do you have any fun traditions for St. Patrick’s Day?  

#2 Guys, I am thinking about Easter too!  This year it is  the first Sunday in April which is early. I saw some really cute plaid shirts at Wal-Mart for the boys that I need to pick up the next time I am there. I also need to buy some Easter basket goodies. Here are some of the items on my list: chalk, bubbles, snacks, stickers/tattoos, a new baseball hat, and rain boots. I also need to investigate about Easter pics. Are you ready for Easter? 

#3 B came home last week and started talking about sending C back to daycare.  I have been wanting this for several months but I will admit that my heart sank a little.  I know all the benefits of him going back and I fully support it but I just wanted to hold on a little longer. We have a tour this Saturday at a daycare so we will see what happens.  We are thinking 3 days a week to start and then transition him and D to 5 days once I go back to work in the fall. Ready or not, things are going to change for our little family. 

Tell me something you are thinking about! 



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