
Hey everyone, I am so excited that March is here! 

September 1st = fall and March 1st = spring!  Or, at least that is what I think. It just feels like we should start celebrating on the first of these months. Why wait?

I definitely want to take advantage of all that spring brings!  I tend to get a little more motivation around this time of year so a little spring cleaning is on my to-do list. It is much needed at our house.

Today, I am joining Anne from In Residence for her monthly Currently post.  The first Wednesday of the month she provides a one word prompt to discuss and share. This is my first time joining but these kind of link ups are my favorite.  Here we go! 

Currently Choosing: I am currently choosing outfits for the boys to wear for a little photo session. I am the absolute worst at taking pictures and capturing moments. You’ve seen my pictures! Not.So.Good.

A friend who happens to be an amazing photographer has been taking our pictures for years. I like her to take our pics so at least I have snapshots of moments in our life. 

She offered “personality photos” and I immediately signed the boys up. Smallwoods is where she got the inspiration and I can’t wait to see what she captures. I think it will be cute if I can choose the outfit. 


Currently Imagining: trip to the beach! The sun, sand, waves crashing, relaxing, and just living our best beach life. It would be glorious! I hope we can go sometime in May or early June if I can convince B.

Currently Making:  I wish it were more glamorous but all I ever make is breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

Everything is better with chocolate chips and Reddi-wip.

I made this Monday night and had dinner served in a matter of minutes. I didn’t try it but B said it was okay. Not going to promise that this is amazing but it helped me out in a pinch. 

Leftovers for lunch on Tuesday.

Currently Recommending:  Firefly Lane, whether you read the book or jump right into the series on Netflix you need it in your life. I loved it and now I am so intrigued  that I want to read the book to find out what happens. I enjoyed watching Kate and Tully’s friendship grow through the years. And I want Kate’s house, GORG!  

Currently Wearing: D had his wellness check up last week and this is what I wore.  I loved the whole outfit!  It just screams spring, right?!

Excuse the dirty garage.  I needed the light and had to snap the pic quickly. 

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday! Tell me something you are choosing, imagining, making, recommending, or wearing. I’d love to hear your thoughts.



  1. Oh yes, a beach trip sounds amazing!! I love that sweater!!

    1. 🌊☀️ i hope we can plan something. Thanks, I really like it too!

  2. That outfit is too cute!! Happy Wednesday, I actually have to go to the beach this weekend for a tournament, but we won't get to spend much time on the water!

    1. Too bad that you won’t be able to enjoy the beach being so close. Have a good day!

  3. If it were up to me, winter would only last from December 1 to the last day of February. March really should be the end of snow and the beginning of green grass! I love that sweater -- the colours are gorgeous.

    1. I agree about March needing to be green! I know it’s so different where you live. I am going to try and wear it a lot this month and next. Have a good day!

  4. I am by NO MEANS an expert at picture taking, but I usually find one outfit I like first (it usually is a kid outfit) and then coordinate around that. A few years ago for some pictures I went into Old Navy and found the cutest button-up with a tie combo for my son (main colors were navy, maroon, gray) and then found a dress for my daughter that coordinated (maroon), had a dress in my closet that matched (navy base) and then told my husband 'pick something in one of these colors' (maroon, navy or gray and he picked maroon). That sweater is really cute, and I always feel the same way about March 1 - spring is here!

    1. Thank you for the tips! I love Old Navy since everything does coordinate so nicely. I need to look at their website. Yes, spring is here!!!

  5. That is such a great quote - I want all of the spring things too but reality is that the weather is going to be a while... So I'm totally with you on imagining beach vacations and on wearing sweaters that are a little more spring-y in the meantime.

    Thanks so much for joining in the linkup :)

  6. Your outfit is cool! Love the sweater!

  7. That sweater is all spring and I love it!

  8. I haven't read the book but I am curious about the show Firefly Lane. Glad you enjoyed it! I definitely consider it Spring when March hits. I'm ready for more warm days.


    1. You need to watch! It is so good. I love warmer weather too!


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