Friday Favorites 3/19/21

HEY, HEY!!! 

We made it through another week and I am SO ready for the weekend! Anyone else? I am going to blame the time change on wreaking havoc on my kiddos this week. 😬 

Just so you know, my favorite finds are usually things that I love, bring me joy, something I have seen, or things from everyday life. It’s nothing fancy and most of the time my pictures are just real life over here.  However, I hope you will find inspiration, something new, or we can just bond over a fave! 

Linking up with Erika and Andrea: 

We got these pretzels at Wal-Mart on a whim and we are loving them!  

I zap them for 60 seconds, melt butter to put on top and add some sea salt. Yummy! There is probably a cheese dip that would go great with these but I havent researched that far. HA! 

Another fave was an early Easter package from my cousin. She sent the boys all kinds of great goodies. We loved everything and it made our week! 

I did a little Target drive up and I added some pampering items for myself.  First up, this sugar scrub! I am not really picky about scrubs as long as they smell good then I like them.  This one smells divine. 

I talked about nail strips on Tuesday because I have  been wanting to try some. Of course, I added these to my Target cart and glitter, YAS!!! 

I really like the way they turned out!  Very easy to use, cool designs, and I like not having to wait for them to dry. It did take awhile to put on because I had to measure which was the best fit but I think as I do it more often then it will go faster. I plan to order from Color Street as well. Just to try a few different options! 


Super excited for this little guy! He will be going to daycare 3 days a week starting Monday! He is so ready to get back to a routine, learn, and play with friends. We are talking it up and might even have a fun dinner on Sunday to celebrate. 

A shout out to Abby from That’s Life for Ya for the fun number graphics. She was sweet enough to share!

What are you doing this weekend? I plan to enjoy the sunshine and recharge. 



  1. Fully cooked yummy pretzels that you microwave!!? My mind is blown, I am asking my mom to go get them for me right now!! I need that in my life big time!!! Oh my goodness, I am so ready to eat Cadbury eggs, they are an all-time favorite of mine!! I need to get more sugar scrub, my little sister got a really nice kind for Christmas, but she won’t share! 😂 Your nails look so cute! Yay for going back to daycare, I bet he is so excited! I am glad you liked them! So happy to share!

    1. Yes, they are so good! I have to sort of hide them so we don’t eat them all. I an ready for all the Easter candy. The scrub is nice and at a great price point. Love the graphics ❤️ You and Ella sort of kept me on my toes on new ideas or things to incorporate on my blog🤗. Have a great weekend! Hope you get some pretzels!

  2. Mmmm, those pretzels look so yummy!!

  3. Oh that sugar scrub looks amazing. I want to try it. I need to go to Target for some more Easter items. And I think I need to start doing my own nails, so I will look into the stick on ones.

  4. Your nails look pretty! And the sugar scrub sounds wonderful!


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