Friday Favorites: 3/26/21


It’s been a busy week with A LOT happening so this was the only post I could get done.  Let’s go ahead and jump into my favorites from the week! 

Linking up with Erika and Andrea: 

Just so you know, my favorite finds are usually things that I love, bring me joy, something I have seen, or things from everyday life. It’s nothing fancy and most of the time my pictures are not the best quality. However, I hope you will find inspiration, something new, or we can just bond over a fave! 

ONE: C was needing new shorts and Wal-Mart did not have anything. So, I went to my next favorite place...Old Navy.  

I selected a few staples for him which should last through the fall.  We bought these in the past and they hold up nicely.  They were only $6. 

TWO: Easter snuck up on me and I just decorated this week. I kept it simple this year but seeing the decorations has been a favorite!  Now, I am looking at finding an activity for C that explains why we celebrate Easter 

THREE: I needed a few beauty items from Target and I saw that you could get a $10 gift card when you spend $40 on beauty products. I usually never pay attention to those things because I can never get to the amount needed. Not this time!!! I easily added items and got my $10 gift card.  It seriously made my day! This was my little beauty haul. 

All of the items except the white strips are new to me. 

FOUR: One of the reasons we were busy was that I interviewed with a school district yesterday.  All went well and now I wait.  Here is my interview outfit that just randomly popped into my head one day. I knew I needed to wear this! This was right after the interview. I grabbed a quick pic before things got busy with the boys.

I loved that it looked professional but still represented my style. I also had on my silver Nickel and Suede earrings but they didn’t get captured in this pic. After looking at the pics, I realized the blazer needs to be a little more fitted. Luckily, the interview was over Zoom so they didn’t see the whole outfit. Any tips on what to wear to an interview for a school district?! 

FIVE: My last favorite is celebrating 2 things! C going back to daycare and loving it! I cried dropping him off on the first day and he said he cried a little while at “school” (that is what we call daycare).  But he is happy at pick up and I know that he is going to adjust. The other favorite is getting to spend 1 on 1 time with D! 

We went to the park and did all the things he wanted which included lots of sliding and chasing birds.  It was GREAT! 

No big plans this weekend. Just a lot of cleaning that needs to get done.  What are you doing this weekend? Thanks for reading, y’all! 



  1. I like your outfit. Very professional and stylish! I never get those beauty haul deals either. Glad you finally got one. I am a minimalist on decorating for Easter as well. I hope you had a good weekend!


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