Monday Motivation

🎤 Monday, Monday 

🎼 bah-da bah-da-da-da 🎼

I have that song from The Mamas and the Papas running  through my mind.  

 I am linking up with The Other Side of the Road, My Glittery Heart, and The Sirois Family for:

Alli from Simply Small Town does a Motivation Monday from time to time and it seemed like a great idea for today. I am in need of motivation, encouragement, and positivity.

This week I am going to start working on my resume and hopefully apply to a few districts. I seem to be going through ALL THE FEELINGS. So, I am giving myself a pep talk and I thought maybe someone else might need this too! 

I will be reminding myself not to be fearful of the changes/ decisions that are coming.  I just need to complete this step to get to the next and the next and then the next. 

 Have a great day! 


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