Friday Favorites: 9/11/2020

It's Fri-YAY! I am joining in the fun for Friday Favorites with Andrea and Erika!  

ONE. First favorite has to be the cooler temps in TX, hallelujah!!! 

I may have stepped out a few times throughout the day so I could feel the chill in the air.  It really felt like fall!!!

TWO. I was able to find a few minutes and polish my nails this week.  I desperately needed it and a little self-care for mama is always good.  I picked some of my favorite colors for fall and will probably be wearing these through November. Is that too long? HA!!  I usually pick up my Essie polish from TJ Maxx because it helps me save a few bucks.  These are both from a  few years ago but great colors to transition to fall. 

THREE.  Spending quality time with C! We did a little bit of "school" using worksheets that he gets to pick out and he was introduced to Candy Land.  He got it as a Christmas present from a sweet neighbor but I saved it for when he was a little older and he could handle it. We pulled it out this week and he did such a good job. Since it was our first time playing, I was a little lenient with the rules. He did win every time but he did great with counting the spaces, taking turns, and attending to the game. There were no major meltdowns so that is a WIN in my book. He had fun and wanted to play with his daddy before bed.  It was really cute.  And now, Candy Land is on repeat!

FOUR.   Fall Favorites link up with Emily and Sarah was a favorite this week! 

It was all about our favorite fall scents. I loved getting to read about everyone's faves and finding some new goodies too.  In case you missed it, you can read all about it HERE.  The upcoming topics are fall decor, fall fashion, and fall entertainment. I can not wait! 

9/11.  A day that is forever marked in our hearts.  I was in college in 2001 and I remember waking up to the news.  I was scared and immediately called my mom. It was such a tragic day for America. I will never forget.

I appreciate those that stop by and read!  I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your loved ones.



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