Friday Favorites: 9/25/2020

Hey, Hey, Hey!  It's Friday which means another Friday Favorites with Andrea and Erika.  

 I have a short list because I am sharing my all time favorite things!

ONE: Nickel & Suede!  Today they are having one of their earring events that is a favorite of mine. It is called the Buy One Give One event! You buy a pair of earrings and get another pair FREE. It will be the same style of earring but the idea is for you to gift the other pair to someone.   There are 12 earrings in the B1Give1 sale in various colors and styles.  I bought the merlot gems and silver leaf discs. My MIL and I are trying to increase our collection so we shopped together.  She bought rosewood cardigan and cognac luna. This is a one day (it has been extended through Saturday!!!) event so if you want to buy some earrings for the price of 1 then you must buy today.   If you are one of the lucky ones and live close to a store you should head there today! They have locations in Liberty and Kansas City, MO.  If you are in TX, check out their Dallas location. If you have any questions about N&S, just leave a comment or email me. 

TWO: I’m sharing my fall fashion from the link up with Emily and Sarah.  

I could have posted so much more about fall clothes but I really tried to focus on recent items. There was one thing I mentioned over and over which leads me to my last favorite for this week. 

THREE: Apple Blvd!  Most of my clothes are from this online boutique which is amazing. My mom, sister, and MIL are fans as well! Trust me, we are all different sizes and like different styles but we all love Apple Blvd.  The prices are fair and the quality is good.  I think the best part is FREE shipping!   This will be your new shopping addiction. Check them out!

I hope this works!  You should be able to scan this and the app should download to your phone.  

It is officially fall now so I hope you grab your favorite fall drink, watch some Hallmark, and buy a pumpkin for your front porch. Have fun shopping N&S or Apple Blvd this weekend!



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