Friday Favorites: 9/4/2020

It is the first Friday in September and it feels SO good! We are going to visit family this weekend and while we are there we are planning to go to Sea World.   I am thrilled for this little getaway! 

 Today I am linking up with Erika and Andrea for Friday Favorites. 

ONE. We went and visited the goats that live down the road from us. Sometimes we take them food but not this time and one of them was really wanting a treat. It is kinda neat to have a little piece of country life so close to us. C loves to visit them and it was D's first time so it was a fun adventure. 

TWO. Spreading joy through rock painting!  In our city, there is a movement of painting rocks and leaving them around town for others to find.  Some people will tag the rocks so they can keep track of them on Facebook.  We are just beginners and got this kit to help us because it had everything we would need and it was cheap.  We are keeping it simple for now and just painting and hiding rocks in our neighborhood but it has been a fun family activity for us. 

THREE. September is here which means I am in fall mode!! I posted a fall bucket list on Tuesday. It was a definitely a favorite because I came up with a great list and it makes the upcoming months a little more exciting.  You can read it here and maybe get some new ideas for your family.   

FOUR. My Nickel and Suede arrived!!! I purchased some earrings for my birthday from my favorite company.   These earrings are lightweight and the designs are classic, bold, elegant, trendy, and are just amazing.  I could go on and on! I might have to do a post on my love for N&S. So excited to wear these soon! 

Keeping it short and sweet this week because I still need to pack.  Have a great weekend and enjoy the holiday!



  1. Oh my goodness I love goats! So cute. Have a great weekend!


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