Let’s Look: Love Language

 Happy, Happy Wednesday! 

I am joining Erika and Shay for their monthly link up. 

Last month we looked at our coffee bar area. 

This month we are looking at our Love Language! 

This is something I have always wondered about and had heard people talk about. There are 5 love languages: words of affirmation, physical touch, receiving gifts, quality time, and acts of service. I had a suspicion of what mine might be.

I found the 5 love language quiz online, answered some questions, and got a percentage for each one.  

So, without further ado here are my results!

I just knew I was a words of affirmation kinda girl! In the summary this is what it said about my primary love language, words of affirmation. Unsolicited compliments mean the world to you. Insults can leave you shattered and not easily forgotten. Kind, encouraging, and positive words are truly life-giving.   

It’s so accurate! Those kind words and acknowledging my efforts through words goes a long way with me.   

I am curious about B’s love language so I will be making him take it on Valentine’s Day. 😉

If you are interested, you can take the quiz HERE.

Hope you have a wonderful day! Temps are going to be in the teens here so we will be hibernating for the next few days. Now, I’m off to start my crock pot for chili tonight.  

See you back here on Friday for my favorites from the week! 




  1. My results were pretty similar to yours! Quality time has always been my top one! Hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. It was fun taking this little quiz and seeing how everything was broken down. Have a great Wednesday! 💜

  2. Your’s are all so close!! You’ve got a very wide range!!


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