Friday Favorites: 10/30/2020

AHHHHH, one more sleep until Halloween! Today, I am joining Andrea and Erika for their Friday Favorites link up! ONE: Checking another item off our fall bucket a small business. A local baker had a pop up shop and I loved the idea of supporting this business woman. These cookies were definitely a favorite this week! I bought some extras for tomorrow and to possibly give to a dear friend/neighbor. TWO: These mess free markers are some of my favorites to pull out when I’m looking for an activity to keep the boys entertained on a rainy day. The best part is not having to worry about a mess on the table, wall, or hands. I know we are all thinking about Christmas presents so this would be a good one. I have gifted these before with other small gifts to make a big one! THREE: Thank you to the Hallmark Channel and their Christmas movies! I know you’ve seen this and probably have this saved but doesn’t it just make y...