What’s Up Wednesday: 1/27/21

It’s What’s Up Wednesday! 

Each month we share what’s going on in our lives. A little about what we are eating, loving, dreading, watching, listening to, and so much more! 

What we’re eating

Monday- Hambuger helper, carrots, and Caesar salad 

Tuesday- Leftover hamburger helper, corn, and Texas toast

And the rest of the week ??? I am not a meal planner as you can tell.  

What I’m reminiscing about

Our little getaway that we took a few weeks ago to the zoo! 

 It was so nice to escape the day to day. I am already thinking about a getaway to the beach in the spring. We have realized that having something to look forward to helps A LOT. 

What I’m loving

I am still thinking about all the goodies I found this weekend at Wal-Mart and Target.  Lots of great sweatshirts! If you missed it, you can read about it HEREI’ll be going back to buy the Cool Mom shirt😎

What I’ve been up to

Prepping for Valentine’s Day! Gathering all the goodies to give to the boys, friends, neighbors, and loved ones.

What I’m dreading 

Organizing! I don’t necessarily dread it. It’s the getting started that is always the hardest part. 

What I’m working on 

Just working on my to-do list from 2021!

Staying connected✔️

Increase vitamins ✔️

Increase blogging and link-ups✔️

But I have so much more work to do!  

What I’m excited about

Valentine’s Day!  I love that the gifts do not have to be big to show someone they are loved. 

What I'm watching

We watched The Croods a couple of weeks ago. It’s really funny and it has such a great message.  There is a Croods 2 but we will wait for it to come out on Netflix. Of course, when I’m alone then it is on Bravo so I can catch up. 

What I'm listening to

Honestly, a sound machine while trying to get C to sleep. BTW- he did not nap! 

What I’m wearing

My day to day is usually a tunic and leggings but what makes the most impact are my N&S earrings! 

So many styles and the best leather earrings!  I would recommend following Kilee Nickels (Founder/CEO of N&S) because you will fall in love with her style, positivity, girl power, and adorable family.  I’ve had a serious girl crush on her since 2014. 

What I’m doing this weekend 

We are going to try and visit an outdoor dinosaur exhibit since this is the last weekend that it will be available. Of course, it depends on the weather. WAH! 

What I’m looking forward to next month 

All the pink, red, glitter, and hearts galore for Valentine’s Day!! 


Thanks for stopping by!  I will be sharing another fun link up tomorrow.   



  1. You are so right that getting started is the hardest part of organizing. I've been putting off dealing with our basement all month. Ugh.

    1. I feel ya! I even thought about giving myself a start date for a little motivation 🤣


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