Friday Favorites: 2/12/21

 It’s my favorite day...FRIDAY!!!

Lots of random things to share today so let’s get started. As always, I am joining Erika and Andrea for my favorite link up:

ONE: Valentine’s Day goodies are my favorite!  I looked over my things a few nights ago to make sure I had enough.  What do you think? I have some fun surprises for the boys and I just can’t wait! 

TWO: Loving this new to me picture I bought from a friend!   

I have been secretly wanting to change the color scheme in our bedroom/ master bath.  Currently, it is gray, navy, and white. Now, I want some touches of pink and gold so this picture is perfect and the price was too good to pass up.  I am not the greatest with measurements so it is a little bigger than I anticipated but I am going to make it work. 

THREE: Over the weekend I went to Wal-Mart to pick up things for the Super Bowl.  I was looking for the Cool Mom shirt but there were not any in my size. 

However, I did find this tie-dye!

I have worn it multiple times this week.  It is comfy and the colors are making me happy during these much colder temps. 

FOUR: My sister sent us some cookies on Tuesday.

It was a such a nice surprise. Definitely a favorite and so yummy.  We enjoyed them all day!

FIVE: I placed an order from Frogs and Frills for some Valentine shirts that were on sale.  I was expecting them to arrive after Vday but I got a notification that they were arriving on Wednesday. WoooHooo!! I tried them on and attempted to take pictures for you but it was a huge fail.🀷🏻‍♀️ I just look awkward! 

Isn’t this just the cutest?

So cozy!

The best part is the price. The sweatshirt was $8.95 and the Mama shirt was $5.  I did pay for shipping but the total was $21 so not that bad. The sweatshirt will be perfect for Sunday since it is going to be so cold here.

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day whether you celebrate big or small.  It’s a day to show love, be loved, and don’t forget about yourself because a little self-love is good too.πŸ’• Have a great weekend! 

Come back on Monday for Hello Monday! 



  1. I love that picture!! The tie-dye shirt is so cute! Walmart outdoing themselves this year!! Your Valentine’s apparel is adorable!!

    1. Agree that there are some cute finds at Wal-Mart! I can’t wait to hang the picture. Hopefully this weekend! ❤️

  2. Replies
    1. It makes me smile, for sure!❤️πŸ’œπŸ€πŸ’—

  3. Those Valentine's shirts are so cute. I love a tasty treat too!


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